Write the culture – Francis kipchirchir Talam

2 Min Read

Embrace the culture, celebrate diversity’s grace,
Each person has a purpose, a unique embrace.
Blend and harmonize, like grapes in wine,
Together we shine, in unity’s design.

Oh, seeker of truth, hear my poetic plea,
Let go of comparisons, let every soul be free.
Just as the sun and moon have their own role,
Embrace your purpose, find harmony in your soul.

The sun radiates boldly, lighting the day,
While the moon serenely guides in its own way.
Neither competes, they fulfill their part,
In their diversity, they create a work of art.

So, mortal, recognize the beauty in our blend,
Tall or short, nature’s gifts we extend.
Each body carries a divine intention,
Together we merge, creating a stunning dimension.

Oh, ebony shade, embrace your African grace,
Don’t alter your beauty, let it proudly trace.
Black and white, both hold value and worth,
As they blend and enrich our beloved Earth.

Oh, fair daughters, resist the false allure,
Embrace your true selves, authentic and pure.
Your natural grace, a source of radiance,
Let it shine forth, a beacon of brilliance.

And you, young seekers, don’t conform for show,
Dress for warmth, let wisdom’s teachings grow.
Cultural attire, a tapestry unique,
Honor your heritage, let it speak.

Let us, dear brethren, stand together as one,
Embrace our differences till the battle is won.
In the tapestry of humanity’s grand display,
Every thread reveals worth in its own special way.

Release comparisons, let unity prevail,
In diversity’s acceptance, compassion won’t fail.
For in our embrace, a garden of harmony will bloom,
And together we’ll rise, dispelling all gloom.

Chorus: Right the culture, embrace diversity’s beauty,
Each body bears a role, a purpose divine.
To blend and harmonize, like grapes in wine,
Let us unite as one, in unity we’ll shine.

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